DC808 Intro
Introduction to the DC808 Def Con Group. Joel M. Leo (DC808 PoC) is on the right, and Jayson E. Street (Def Con Groups Ambassador, speaker at our first gathering) is on the left.
DC808 is the Def Con Group here in Hawaii. We’re still standing everything up, so please bear with us while we fiddle the bits and rejigger the codesesz.
From the FAQ in the link above:
Q: What are DEF CON Groups?
A: The DEF CON Groups were spawned from the annual DEF CON security conference in Las Vegas. The DEF CON Groups (DCGs or DC-Groups) are a gathering point for folks interested in the alternate applications of modern technology, referred to properly as ‘hacking’. DCGs are not intended to compete with any other computer groups, such as 2600, but rather to provide yet another gathering place for the discussion of technology and security topics. DCG meetings are open to anyone, regardless of their skill, age, job, gender, etc. DCGs are designed to help you learn new things, meet new people, mentor others in areas you may be strong in, and provide some cohesion within the hacker culture and members."
DC808 is a group of hackers and other infosec students & practitioners here in Hawaii that try to get together every few months to discuss the latest security haps in the islands and around the world, talk about exploits, pentesting techniques, defenses, etc. When possible, we’ll also have speakers to demonstrate their cool new tricks and tools.
This group is meant to be lightweight to manage and of course security friendly, so there’s no membership, no fees, no registrations, etc. We’ll post upcoming meetings here and on the @DefConHawaii Twitter account, and we hope you show up to talk story and check out the cool kine infosec stuff. There may be food, coffee, beer, etc. involved, but the only way to ensure that is to bring some yourself.
To reach us, you can email us at infoNOSPAMPLZ@dc808.org (remove the ‘NOSPAMPLZ’) or reach out via the @DefConHawaii Twitter handle as above. We’re also looking for speakers, so if you have something you want to talk about that may be cool or interesting, please let us know and we’ll work something out.
DC808 Admins